Sunday, April 25, 2010

Army Statistic Analysis - WU

Units                   Cost   Att Eff   Def Eff   Att Sus  Def Sus
Spearman             315     0.05       0.29         15           90
Shield Infantry      535     0.12       0.10         65           55
Female Calvary    1090   0.08       0.04         45           22.5
Heavy Calvary     1090   0.04       0.16         22.5         85
Guard Calvary      1965   0.07       0.11         46.7         71.7
Archer                  740     0.11       0.22*       40           80
LegendaryArcher  1540   0.10       0.19*         50           100

* Assuming bowman in tower with no blindage, refer to details below for other scenario

Attack/Defence Efficiency (Att/Def Eff)
- This represent the attack/defence per resource. Higher number means more efficient or lower cost per attack/defence point.
- This number is important when the game is resource constrainted (non gold player or in early of the game)
In order to get 1 million attack/defence point (in the case you trying to occupy/defend a county)
Att/Def Eff = 0.20
- You need spent 5 million resources in total
Att/Def Eff = 0.10
- You need spent 10 million resources in total

Attack/Defence Sustainability (Att/Def Sus)
- This represent the attack/defence per your food supply. Higher number mean better susatinability in terms of food supply, or simply lower maintenance cost. Remember after building your troops you need to maintain them by supplying food, if you ran out of food your troops will run away.
- This number is important when the game is food constrained. Imagine your sub city with a max of lvl 10 farms, in a standard 6 farms sub city you only can have 6 x 300 = 1800 food/h. You may improved it by getting a +50% food oasis, gavernor bonus, hero bonus, getting a 15 farms city but eventually you are food constrained to a number. In long run this may be the number that is more important.
In order to get 1 million attack/defense point (in the case you trying to attack/defend a county)
Att Sus = 100
- You need to have 10,000/h food supply to maintain your troops
Att Sus = 50
- You need to have 20,000/h food supply to maintain your troops
* If your food supply is negative means you cant maintain the troops and you need to constantly get food from other means like plundering, trading, doing quest, use resources pack or asking for support from league member. However if you fail to login for sometime, you may ran out of food and lost your troops.

Wood 100 Stone 130 Iron 55 Food 30 Total 315
Att 15 Inf Def 40 Cal Def 50 Plunder 30 Speed 7 Food 1
Attack efficiency:
15/315 = 0.05 attack/resource
Defence efficientcy:
90/315 = 0.29 defense/resource
Plunder efficientcy:
30/315 = 0.10
Sustainability - Attack:
15/1 = 15 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
90/1 = 90 Defense per food

Shield Infantry
Wood 140 Stone 150 Iron 185 Food 60 Total 535
Att 65 Inf Def 35 Cal Def 20 Plunder 45 Speed 6 Food 1
Attack efficiency:
65/535 = 0.12 attack/resource
Defence efficientcy:
55/535 = 0.10 defense/resource
Plunder efficientcy:
45/535 = 0.08
Sustainability - Attack:
65/1 = 65 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
55/1 = 55 Defense per food

Female Calvary
Wood 350 Stone 450 Iron 230 Food 60 Total 1090
Att 90 Inf Def 25 Cal Def 40 Plunder 75 Speed 19 Food 2
Attack efficiency:
90/1090 = 0.08 attack/resource
Defence efficientcy:
45/1090 = 0.04 defense/resource
Plunder efficientcy:
75/1090 = 0.07
Sustainability - Attack:
90/2 = 45 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
45/2 = 22.5 Defense per food

Heavy Calvary
Wood 360 Stone 330 Iron 280 Food 120 Total 1090
Att 45 Inf Def 115 Cal Def 55 Plunder 35 Speed 16 Food 2
Attack efficiency:
45/1090 = 0.04 attack/resource
Defence efficientcy:
170/1090 = 0.16.defense/resource
Plunder efficientcy:
35/1090 = 0.03
Sustainability - Attack:
45/2 = 22.5 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
170/2 = 85 Defense per food

Guard Calvary
Wood 500 Stone 620 Iron 675 Food 170 Total 1965
Att 140 Inf Def 50 Cal Def 165 Plunder 65 Speed 13 Food 3
Attack efficiency:
140/1965 = 0.07 attack/resource
Defence efficientcy:
215/1965= 0.11 defense/resource
Plunder efficientcy:
65/1965 = 0.03
Sustainability - Attack:
140/3 = 46.7 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
215/3 = 71.7 Defense per food

Wood 300 Stone 220 Iron 150 Food 70 Total 740
Att 80 Inf Def 10 Cal Def 5 Plunder 50 Speed 7 Food 2
Attack efficiency:
80/740 = 0.11 attack/resource
Defence efficientcy:
15/740 = 0.02 defense/resource
160/740 = 0.22 defense/resource **In tower
260/1340 = 0.19 defense/resource **In tower with blindage
(each blindage need 600 resources)
Plunder efficientcy:
50/740 = 0.07
Sustainability - Attack:
80/2 = 40 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
15/2 = 7.5 Defense per food
160/2 = 80 Defense per food **In tower
260/2 = 130 Defense per food **In tower with blindage

Legendary Archer
Wood 770 Stone 310 Iron 350 Food 110 Total 1540
Att 150 Inf Def 10 Cal Def 5 Plunder 60 Speed 7 Food 3
Attack efficiency:
150/1540 = 0.10 attack/resources
Defence efficientcy:
15/1540 = 0.01 defense/resource

300/1540 = 0.19 defense/resource **In tower
400/2140 = 0.19 defense/resource **In tower with blindage
(each blindage need 600 resources)
Plunder efficientcy:
60/1540 = 0.04
Sustainability - Attack:
150/3 = 50 Attack per food
Sustainability - Defense:
15/3 = 5 Defense per food

300/3 = 100 Defense per food **In tower
400/3 = 133.3 Defense per food **In tower with blindage


  1. "However if you fail to login for sometime, you may ran out of food and lost your troops."

    This really isn't necessary ^^. Having a negative food/H is always a given if you're playing TKO properly

  2. yes, if you are active, you cant avoid from having negative food :) especially playing SHU

    but if you are having -3/4k food/h and you cant leave the game unattended for >10 hours.. example like your wanna go out to enjoy your weekend.. it will be tough unless you entrust to some one to take care for you... also the consistent efforts to sustain your army is tiring sometime..

    it is always best to minimise your food consumption by carefully selecting your troops for sustainability .. but if you are online almost 24 hours and been very aggressive in the game choose your unit base of att/def efficientcy so you will have huge number of army to attack/plunder/defense.. dont border to sustain them as they will die in battle or can plunder to sustain themselves ;)

  3. dear lord stormrider , if i may ask, what is your favorite kingdom that personaly prefer to choose?

  4. Wei is my favorites as it is more balance :)
