Saturday, May 8, 2010

Art of WAR - Attacking


This is a war game, it is not sim city for god sake. DO NOT just focus on increasing the population or number of your city, you wont go far without a war plan.

"Know thy and know the enemy you will win in all you battle..." Sun Tze 

It is utmost important to understand yourself and also the enemy in a battle be if attacking or defending if you want to excel in the battle field ;)

"A good general make enemy dont know how to attack, A good general make enemy dont know how to defend..."

Master the art of war then even with lesser population or lesser troops, you still can win over your stronger opponent as they have no idea how to attack you and how to run from your attack.


"Know thy and know the enemy you will win in all you battle..." Sun Tze

- Always scout your enemy if you want to increase your chances of success, your enemy may have stronger force in their city than you expected.
- After getting enemy information, calculate the troops you need to win, refer to battle calculation write ups. :)
- Understanding enemy units and their weakness. During an attack only defense of enemy units count. IF enemy has weaker infantry defense then send more infantry units for eample.
- Always attack with strong attacking force, differentiate which is your attacking/defending units. Bring you attacking units only. DO NOT attack with defense units.

"Attack your enemy when they are unprepared, show up where you were never expected.."
- Attacking an active player is not as easy as you imagine :), you will see what I mean after you gone through the defending section.
- Attacking is different then plundering, when you attack, you want to make sure that you HIT and destroy your enemy, leave them no chance to run.
- To avoid enemy running from your attack, attack when enemy not prepared, dont let them expect your attack
Sneak Attack

- If you know where your enemy is located (time zone), attack in their sleep and let them wake up with all their troops gone.. heheheh, time your attack to happen at 3-5am of their time (use schedule deployment to your advantage). They will probably be sleeping at that time and cant run from the attack. Yeah this is evil...heheheheh
** Only efficient if enemy is <4 hours away, example if you want to hit enemy 4 hours away at 5am, your attack will start 1am, if it is further away your attack need to deploy earlier when enemy still awake so it may not work 
- If enemy is near (<45 mins). Use the server maintenance time to your advantage. Work best if enemy is 30+ mins away. Example if you want to hit someone 35 mins away, deploy your attack units 2.5mins before server maintenance time of 04:00. Chances are your enemy may not notice your attack before server went to maintenance mode, and usually players wont rejoin just after server maintenace. So your attack operation is totally stealth, covered by server maintenance, enemy will not know what hit them... hehehehe.. butt remember attack cannot happen during server maintenance time so deploy wisely so it does not happen between 4:00 and 4:30 server time.
- If enemy is far, use smoke screen to hide your attack. Send fake attack, get your league member to join in the fun. Cover your real attack in between your fake attack. Enemy will not know which is the real attack. They can run, but they can't run forever. ... this is so cruel.. hehehe
- If this is a league war, send fake attack to few of nearby enemy league city to cover your real target, this way they will not know who is your main target and not sure how to support each other. If you just send your attack to one city. Nearby enemy could send in reinforcement which will make you suffer more casualty.

Ambush - show up where enemy never expected
- Check enemy surrounding for farms, when you identify them, send defend troops to their farms. Usually players send small troops out for plundering from time to time. When their plundering units hit the farms with your defend troops in it they will suffer massive damage due to the unexpected troops. This will interrupt enemy resources supply as well as they will be scared to plunder for while not knowing if you have ambush on other farms.
** Sending huge defends troops to enemy farms may need to be followed by sending food to the farms as well. As the farms may not be able to support your troops and your troops will run if ran out of food on enemy farms.
- Send support troops to a weaker member. Use the weaker member to taunt enemy into sending attack. Make sure you cover the support troops by having huge number of scouts in your city. Unexpecting enemy will suffer huge damage. Example you can send in few k defend unit to a 300++ pop city and then use the 300++ pop city to send some attack to an enemy with 700++ pop. Enemy may strike back wanted to punish the attacker for their stupid act.. but when the battle report came back they will realize who is being stupid... hehehehhe... another evil plan
Cut Enemy Supply
- In prepartion to destroy your enemy you may want to stop them from growing faster. One way to do is is cut their supply.
- Share their farm, sent plundering units frequently to their farms if you are nearby. 
- If you cant plunder enemy farm frequently, burn their farms.. heheheh.. send your demo, demolish the warehouse and granary on enemy farms.. leave them with no resources.
** Disclaimer: I am not an evil man, this is just a game strategy.. but i do enjoy to see this strategy works on enemy.. hehehheh


  1. i like so much,and it helped me before although i have read it just now :D
